Monday, August 29, 2011

How does Obama plan to get us out of the democrat eco crisis by costing US jobs?

By raising taxes on businesses, Obama will cause some companies to move overseas and others to cut jobs. With far fewer jobs in the country and more unemployment, there will be less money going to the treasury and an even bigger deficit after Obama increases gov't spending. Except in government, there will not be growth just decline.|||Every single time taxes are raised it brings in LESS tax revenue. That is history, not some "right wing" propaganda. He will bury our economy.|||Well, in the first place, there is no actual evidence that ANY Us business has ever moved overseas as a result of taxes. The propaganda of the neoconservatives isn't evidence.Name an example.

Second, one way to REDUCE the loss of jobs overseas is to do wht Obama proposes--put a stop to the neoconservative policy of using taxpayer money to subsidize companies that outsource jobs.

Third, the neocons insist on giving tax breaks to large businesses, claiming it will "create jobs." It hasn't produced job growth--ever. That's not how the process of growth in a capitalist economy works. New job growth comes from small and medium sized businesses--the ones Obama wants to REDUCE taxes on.

Fourth, new gob growth is linked to increased business revenues. When you cut taxes on the middle class (as Obama proposes) who do 90% of the spending in America, you get more spending--hence higher business revenues, and so create jobs.

What does McCain want to do? Give tax breaks to the likes of AIG and Lehman! Like they are going to create any jobs? Those companies--and the rest of the big companies the neocons worship--have already cost taxpayers too much money and too many jobs. If THEY decided to leave, good riddance. But what's the neocon answer? They want to just keep giving these incompetents MORE money in the form of tax cuts!

Forget it. We need to tax these big companies to the hilt and use the money to support small businesses that will create REAL jobs and economic growth.|||He doesn't plan on increasing taxes on any businesses, except those that send work over seas. He plans on leaving alone all large companies (not giving them tax breaks or credits) and decreasing taxes on all small businesses that makes less than 250,000 per year. This is about 95% of all small businesses. so by taxing those shipping jobs over seas, this will actualy increase our economic stability. |||They're already moving overseas! Our country is bankrupt and our dollar is on it's way to becoming a footnote in history. What we need to do to stop it is start giving our money real value again... and we do that by.... raising taxes!|||Over 95% of businessess will see no tax increase. Also his aggressive approach to alternative energy research will actually create a huge employment growth, estimated at 2 million jobs alone.|||Think what you like about who caused the economic crisis, and what Obama's tax proposals are. But as the polls are reflecting right now, more than half the voters don't think we just need a better Republican to solve our problems.|||By reversing the G O P mantra of trickle down

and STOP rewarding companies with tax breaks that out source and send jobs out of USA

Give the tax breaks to companies that are dedicated to seeing American workers prosper|||Obama only cares about one job...the job he's trying to get.|||He will completely tank the US. That is how.

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