Monday, August 29, 2011

When is Obama going to arrest the people responsible for the recession?

During his campaign, Obama said he would investitage and arrest those responsible for the wreckless behavior that lead to the recession. When was this done? Who was arrested? Was this done before or after Obama closed down gitmo?|||Why would he want to arrest himself? After all, he made the recession WORSE through his porked out stimulus bills.|||Uhm, nowhere in any law book does it say messing up an economy unintentionally is against the law, so therefore its not a crime, so therefore you cant arrest anyone for not committing any type of crime.|||that's the stupidet thing I'e ever heard, recession is caused by everyone in this world if you think about it and causing recession isn't a crime it's just something that happens, you're such an idiot...|||I like how some of these answerers are too stupid to get the sarcasm of your question.

He did it right before he brought all of the troops home. You know, immediately after he created and/or saved however many million jobs.|||Obama lol|||Obama is part of the problem....He's making it worse and blaming the other side. I really hope his *** is impeached!|||No. Using the warrantless wiretaps to gather the evidence.

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