Monday, August 29, 2011

What will Obama tell the families of the distressed home owners that committed suicide due to mortgage debt?

Yes, people are killing themselves over the stress of losing their homes. Many of these people are the same people Obama promised home relief to, but he has done little to help anyone keep their homes. Obama has been too busy ramming his health care down the throats of Americans. What can he tell the families of the the dead, the very people he promised relief to? How can Obama explain to these families how and why he failed them? Will Obama help them bury their dead?|||0bama promised a lot to the voters and is coming up with none of them, in reality.

He helped out the Bankers so when you go bankrupt it will not hurt them so much.

He is the Bankers Friend now that he is in the oval office.

Like he cares about the voters until 2012. He's convinced that the voter's memory is only 3 minutes long so what does he have to worry about when he gets up on the podium to schmooze the public, again.

L8r|||Stop being stupid and Be Fiscally Responsible for your own actions.

Obama: Dude, you make 30k a year and all you have is a HS. Education. WTF were you thinking, buying a $400,000 house? And you have kids? Seriously dude, WTF. I'm black, and even I know my limits.

Citizen: But the bank told me I'd be fine, they told me I'd be ok, to not worry about it, to just sign the papers and I'd get this house, and pay this amount.

Obama: Yeah and if a dude at the Airport told you to hold a bag, would you do it? If a guy in a military uniform told you to sign your name here, and you'll go to college for free would you do it? Seriously, you're a grown adult, WTF is wrong with you? Always READ what you sign...

Citizen: But.... But.....But..... You gotta help......m-......

Obama :Personal and Fiscal Responsibility my friend. BE RESPONSIBLE....|||What, so McCain's bill to help homeowners is so much better?

Actually, Obama did have a home help bill. It helped people out who were going bankrupt. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it, being such a liberal an all!|||Probably tell them the same thing he will tell the parents of young women who can't get an abortion and end up committing suicide.|||He will say.." Too bad, cause now you could have had free health care" he will by lying of course, just as he lies about everything.

He doesn't care , he really just doesn't care!|||why do you think the potus should have to do that , he didnt make them take out the debt.|||What doe he care...he is getting rich off lobbyist bribes. That is the thing you need to understand...its about the bottom line to these people, here is what they think: "FVCK your FAMILY!!!"

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