Monday, August 29, 2011

Is Obama's inability to get Pelosi and Reid to broadcast their negotiations another sign of his weakness?

Obama said several times on the campaign trail that Americans would be able to see the negotiations on C-SPAN. Pelosi and Reid are blowing him off. Is that yet another sign of weakness for Comrade Obama barely a year after the "Hope and Change" rhetoric was at its zenith?|||It is really a sign that he has lost his favor in their never ending democratic lovers quarrel|||MR. WOLF:

Okay, so if we follow your hypothesis (which, by the way is correct -- anyone with a high school degree should know that the Constitution prevents the President from doing what he 'promised' on the campaign trail) then we should follow your hypothesis to its logical conclusion:

BHO, a 'Constitutional scholar', lied to the American people repeatedly when he promised to broadcast these hearings and debates. It wasn't a slip of the tongue, as he made the promise at least eight times that have been brought to light thus far. It wasn't that he didn't know any better, as again, he is a 'Constitutional scholar'.

It was a repetitive, outright, blatant lie.

Change my rosy red as$.|||If Obama wanted it to be... THEN IT WOULD BE! Obama has the position and the power of the white hosue... There is no way in this world that Nasty Nancy or Dingy Harry could say no if Obama stood up like a man to support his campaign promises. Instead, Obama is proving once again that he is a liar.|||Yes

Pelosi doesnt answer to Obama. He answers to her.|||It is a sign of separate but equal branches of government.|||That would imply he was TRYING.

Remember, that the entire process STARTED with closed door meetings in the white house with insurance companies and big pharma.|||No, it's another sign that they are doing exactly what O-bow-ma wants.|||Obama has no ability in making anyone doing anything.|||forget the negotiations, i want to see their flatulence occurring on C-span|||No.

It's just more impotent whimpering from the lunatic right-wing fringe.|||So being like the rubberstamp repubs who were nothing but rubberstamps during Bush is a sign of strength?

Not .

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