Monday, August 29, 2011

How has Obama and the democrats managed to bring so much division to our country?

We were told by the main stream media how wonderful things would be under Obama,his charm and charisma would unite the nation.Less than two years into his term he has divided the country more than George Bush and two wars did,the complete opposite of what the media told us would happen,how could they have been so wrong about Obama?|||The citizens are rife w/ discontent because gov continues to add to the spiraling deficit. GW started it, Obama is not addressing this. Most intelligent beings know that some day, gov will have to make adjustments ... we can't go on indefinitely operating in the red.

GW had the lowest approval rating in history and I suspect correctivity in your observation because Americans were mostly in unison against him.

Now let's take a realistic look at the numbers. GW still had 18% support despite the lowest approval rating in history. This means that 18% of Americans that voted for him are too stubborn to admit they voted for a mistake. Their views are obviously skewed. These same 18% will tend to be anti dem no matter what dem prez is in office. They are extemist and I suspect little intelligence in their opinion.

Obama is at 51% ... plus that 18% that have no will to view Obama w/ an open mind and Obama looks pretty good.

My personal opinion will be reserved pending how he addresses the deficit (if he even does).

I didn't vote for Obama (I'm 3rd party advocate). My conscience is clear. I would have voted AGAINST GW had voting regulations allowed me to do this.|||How could they be so wrong about Obama? It's because most Americans are too lazy and distracted by their latest electronics to get their own facts. Instead, they believe what they hear from Obama and the liberal media and they hope for change without any clue of what that means.

For those who voted for this - shame on you!|||Obama talks a good talk, but people now understand that he is way left and a Socialist.

He says one thing, then they go and do whatever socialist thing they want to anyway.

And we see it, and so do the idiots who voted for him out of Bush-hate and white guilt.|||I think Limbaugh , Hannity, Beck, O'Rielly, and palin are the main reason the country is divided, They tell people to hate Obama and all black people and mexicans and all Arabs and Muslims. They are hate mongers.|||The division is already there, Obama didn't bring it. The divide between the Republicans and the Democrats has grown and like the issue of slavery, will one day breakdown to another Civil War.|||Liberals don't care about facts, honesty, the truth. They want power. Liberals want government to run everything.|||They do it the same way Republicans did for 8 consecutive years.|||He learned it by watching Bush. Alright ? He learned it by watching Bush.|||Bush created it - and having a black guy in office is making it worse - although it makes no sense since their policies are the same|||that was their plan. divide and conquer. we are now subject to a dictator and his cronies.|||It's only because all the racists are so hateful!|||No one knew there were so many closet racists.|||O hates America wants to "change" it, now we know what he has in mind, how else could it happen|||Love is blind.

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