Friday, September 23, 2011

Do you feel the Americans hoping for Obama to fail or even be assassinated are the real terrorists?

I have seen so many people that are hoping Obama fail just to say "I told you so". If Obama fails we ALL fail, I think if those bitter McCain supporters want Obama to fail, they want all of America (and ironically themselves) to fail as well.

Isn't that the most unpatriotic thing you've ever heard? Especially when most of these people claim to be as "patriotic" as they come?|||You make a great point, and I have looked at this situation the EXACT same way. America has spoken, support the new president and wish him the best. Do you really want the U.S. to become a smaller power just to say "i told you so"?

And the comparison to American's hating Bush, while they are both wrong feelings...Bush's actions led people to feel this way, whereas Obama hasn't even officially taken office? Why are they mad, he hasn't done anything yet?!!! It's ridiculous!|||I supported McCain but more than anything I am an American. As McCain said in his concession speech, "Barak Obama is my president". Barak Obama is my president and I support him fully. As much as those on the left would like to believe it; we on the right, are not a bunch of self-serving hillbilly racists. The vast majority of us are intelligent and patriotic Americans who only wish the best for all Americans, including Obama. As I am sure that the vast majority of those on the left and the vast majority of Obama supporters are not a bunch of foaming-at-the-mouth Bush haters and raving communist lunatics.|||I think we ALL should be thankful Obama won. I say that as a white Republican who voted for McCain.

One thing is very clear from reading Yahoo Answers, listening to the radio, listening to what people say in public, hearing what TEACHERS in schools have said, what soldiers have said, etc...

Now we all know who the Racists are, even the ones who thought they weren't or were hiding it.

To those of you who didn't vote for Obama because of his political views...fine.

But don't kid yourself and think that if you didn't vote for him because he's black and you're upset about it that it isn't' obvious when you talk. I've called my own frickin family out on this.

It's very upsetting.

And yes, people who talk about assassinating the Pres are terrorists and should be reported to the Secret Service.

This is America people. This is the 21st century. It's time to leave the stone age behind or be ready to be left behind.|||I wouldn't automatically classify someone who childishly wishes someone to fail as a terrorist. Wishing for assassination is another thing entirely.

I didn't find myself particularly drawn to Sen. Obama and I didn't vote for him. But the will of the people is now known and I hope I'm not so egocentric that I fall into the trap of thinking that everyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot.

I have always supported my President, whether I agreed with them or not. That doesn't mean I've given up my right to complain, of course. That would be entirely unpatriotic. ;)|||The overwhelming majority of Americans don't feel this way, and most are glad that Obama was elected. Those who didn't vote for him will mostly support him as our president.

Sadly, those with extremest views seem to be the ones shouting the loudest. The best we can do is to ignore their hate.

The true patriot is an informed voter.|||"electing obama was "unpatriotic""



I think that as a country we all need to support our president because at this point we don't know if he'll fail. To sit there and already say that he will fail is unpatriotic. You need to support the person in office regardless of how you voted. It's even worse for some people to sit there and say that he's going to be assassinated. Remember that he is human and has a family. For his family to sit there and hear these things is putting unwarranted fear into their home. I don't think these accusations would be placed as harshly if he was "white" which is pathetic. Look at the president and not at the race because if you listen to his views he has some decent ideas (not that McCain didn't)|||It is amazing to me that people have no idea what Socialism really is. The GOP and their goose stepping followers have told their base what to believe and the fear mongering has worked. Ah the Nazi propaganda machine is still alive and well. If you can't beat someone scare the rest of humanity to make them believe that what is happening is not in their best interests. As far as people not wanting this to be a socialist country, we should do away with Social Security and all the entitlement programs because they all are very social programs and we cannot have that.

Obama hasn't taken office and yet everyone can assume how things are going to go. Give me a damn break, W. was elected everyone said ohhh here's a guy we can have a beer with, re-elect the guy you want to have a beer with. I am sorry we do not need a Dubya crony in office. I just wonder what Bush will pull in his final days in office?

I have always thought hypocritical that we in this country always say that you can make anything of yourself in this country. If you are born in this country you can even become president, I am finding thats not really the case because if you fall into a catagory other than a rich white man then the obtaining the office of the president is not allowed. Its the "american" way. I am sorry I do not live in Dumbf*ckistan and will subscribe to those beliefs.

Can Obama really be any worse than Dubya?|||that is a very very VERY small minority.... I was a McCain supporter and hope like nearly all other republicans know that Obama succeeds in helping our country as we will all benefit.... wanting him assassinated or fail is just absolutely ignorant..... and by the way there have been those on the democratic saying the same thing about Bush for 8 years..... it's an evil that is always there in some people|||Ya know, I was thinking that too. Isn't it spiting yourself to want Obama to prove "how much he sucks"? If he screws the country over, you still live here and will be affected by it! Why don't you hope for his success so we can all succeed? He's not even in office yet, so give the guy a fair chance. Everything you hear in the media isn't always true.|||lol dont waste ur time with them. there church tells them wut to do. most of them

and most have never even seen his site and read up on one thing off of it. they just hear there pastor and the news. and they will belive wut they want to belive its a genetic thing in humans. obama culd solve all of the worlds hunger and befriend an alien race to giv us tons of goodies and advance us 300 years and they wuld still say he suks|||Rooting for his failure? Unpatriotic? Not really. It's everyone's right to do that. Says so in the Constitution.

Rooting for assassination? Not only unpatriotic, but criminal. I hope the Secret Service is monitoring this website, so they can track these whackjobs down and get them off the street.|||I agree with you completely. If Mccain would have won I would've been very disappointed because I don't think he is capable of being our Commander in chief BUT he would still be our president and I would only hope for the best outcome. What ever the ending results are, good or bad, we'll be the ones living it, so we should want the best for our country no matter who is the president. Aren't we tired of the way things are, why anticipate it being worse?|||These people are few and far between. By the way I heard a lot of people that were calling for Bush's head too! Any president would fail right now. People don't want to work to fix the country, it's what can you do for me? Give me other peoples' hard earned money! I deserve it more than they do! We're screwed!|||he wont fail. Stop being a god damn you always think of the worst?

Just coz a black man is president so it means he's going to muck up....

Typical red neck, racist, bigotted attitudes I say.|||Not terrorists, but fools. Don't break your nose to spite your face. It would be very bad for this country if violence came to Obama. And another Democrat would replace him. It would also be very unfair.|||No that's silly. No one wants the country to fail, we're just amazed and find it problematic that he was elected. We have faith in our country. Just not Jimmy Carter Jr.|||Anyone hoping for such things is wishing the USA becomes like Iraq and Iran - a country where terrorists rule and that is unpatriotic.|||I want the Mccin Supporters to fail, ohh wait they already did. They can have McRage and the frozen hill billy. |||yes, in sort because some will try and help him fail just to say look he could not do it. he has the job now we need to give him are support.|||I am a republican but i still want the country to get better. And why would anybody wish for anybody to be killed.|||Yes.|||No, this is America and we have freedom of speech. Plenty of people talk trash about Bush. What's the difference?|||I agree|||I agree 100% with your statement. People may not like it but he is our next president so suck it up and deal with it.|||were not hopping he fails, we know he will, socialism does not work, pulling out all the money in the bank in the form of a IOU note does not do anything but lower the dollar. look at the start market its been down and down in big dumps since obama got elected, the russians are back to building nuke sites, hamas started missile attacks on Israel again. everything McCain talked about in having a strong leader is happening because we now have a weak one.

as far as assassins that's not going to happen|||electing obama was "unpatriotic"|||His wife will be the one who kills him.!!

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