Friday, September 23, 2011

Is Pres. Obama agreeing with the Muslim ways, should he even be considered good enough to run America?

Is Obama, really even a United States Citizen %26amp; will he even serve a second term ? What will become of America with him as President now will he succeed or fail ?|||Obama is a US citizen... he was born in Hawaii. And he probtably will try to serve a second term, but he definitely won't win a 2nd term because America is fed up with Obamacare and crapp. And I honestly can say that I really think he is going to fail, he can't keep up with America (All the promises he made in 2008 are STILL trying to happen) and he goes on too many vacations to care any ways...

America is still suffering from the economy and truth be told it's not getting better. Plus we have immigration problems that aren't getting taken care of either. Plus the war is still going on that he promised to get rid of. So... I really think Obama will probably fail.|||After 8 years of Bush, the American people have discovered that yes it does take some intelligence to run a country. Conspiracy theorists can say what they like, but unless the same people who cover up the alien landings have also hidden Obama's true birth records, then we have to take it as fact that yes he is an American citizen (albeit one who has actually seen some of the rest of the world). I personally believe he will have a second term as the best candidate the Republicans have at the moment is Palin (who I believe is a dumb as she looks), but 2012 is a long way away and a lot can change between now and then.

As for the mosque issue, freedom of religion is not just your right, it is the right of all Americans (including muslim Americans). I agree that it would be tactless to put a mosque next to the site of the WTC, but A) it is a muslim cultural center, not a mosque and B) you can only see it from the top of the Freedom Tower.|||i am a 13-year-old MODERN muslim girl. i dont wear the hijab on my head, i dont cover my body, i have a dog, etc etc. im so sick of the sterotypes people are putting on muslim people. muslims aren't terrorists! any race could be a terrorist and its really offensive when people say that I am a TERRORIST. honestly i hate a lot of things about my religion but you don't have to bash every little thing. god knows whats going to happen to this country after everything bush did i dont think anyone will be able to fix it and it wont be the same ever again. its not just obama, mccain wouldn't have made things better either. no one will! you all need to calm down and just be patient because obama can't fix everything in one term.|||Good question and with such a question you'll be getting an array of different answers from either side of the political fence. In my humble opinion, it's sad to see him agreeing with the building of the mosque next to ground zero. That's the biggest slap in the face to all people who were affected by the 9/11 attacks on this country. And I hope he doesn't serve another term. God only knows what he'll do if he's re-elected.|||'I Love...' wrote:

"I'm all for religious freedom, but there is a time and place for everything, and well...ground zero isn't the place for this."

You live in a country that protects the rights of people, all people!

Just because you don't like the idea of a muslin center there does not give you the right to veto it.

People are saying that they want their country back, that they want it the way the forefathers wrote it to be. Well freedom of religion is right up there.|||I don't think Obama is making the right choice supporting the muslim hummus near ground zero.

I'm all for religious freedom, but there is a time and place for everything, and well...ground zero isn't the place for this.|||well......did he agree on the american ways???......killing people for money and oil claiming that it was done for the sake of freedom the way...muslims aren't allowed to kill women or children or old people or even cut a tree in wars......will they bomb a building????|||Supporting the First Amendment and protecting religious freedom seems American to me. I would expect nothing less of a president.|||He's not agreeing with the Muslim ways, I believe, he is supporting equality across the United States for all religions.|||He never was good enough for this country... he should go back to his homeland.. which apparently is Kenya, according to the first lady!|||On every issue, Obama is on the side of those who oppose the USA|||Your ignorance is showing.|||0bama is wrong for America, that's for sure.|||another hate rant

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