Friday, September 23, 2011

What was Obama鈥檚 campaign promise regarding taxes during the 2008 campaign?

I see various claims being made concerning what President Obama promised regarding taxes during his campaign. His actual statements appear to be misrepresented quite often.

Please provide a source to support your answer.|||No tax increases on the middle class and tax increases for those individuals making over $200k and couples making over $250k.|||All kinds of taxes, fees, licensing fees, federal, state, local, and on commodities like gas, and energy have gone up on the middle class.

I now pay a library fee for the local library. I've never walked into the thing. $400 a year because I am a property owner.|||He forgets as do the rest of us


So you see what ever a person promises in in the election is forgotten


If the news media is not there to remind us

,|||Scan this... You need an overall view, not just a particular part.|||No tax increases OF ANY KIND on people earning over $250,000鈥?/a>|||That he would cut them - and he did.

Of course, Righties get all their information from their BIBLE - (F脴X News)

So - if you hear that he would raise them - it's from ignorant types - you know - stupid types who spit on our nation.

..|||To cut them.

Shhhh the lib logic crowd doesn't want you to remember this.|||That he will raise them as he sees fit to support his golf addicitions and lust for middle east oil.

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