Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How come Obama was not specific when asked about the programs he would cut?

He says he will go through the federal budget line by line and eliminate programs that no longer works. His statement would have carried more weight and he would have come off more knowledgeable in this area if he backed it up with a few examples. Instead, I feel like I have to take his word on blind faith.

Can anyone tell me specifically where Obama is going to cut spending?|||You haven't been paying attention these past two years three months, it seems. The very first month he was in office, President Obama went through the final FY Bush/Cheney budget line by line, as promised, and CUT SPENDING by canceling the Bush-ordered presidential helicopter fleet (saving at least $62 BILLION that was returned to Treasury for National Debt paydown). Then, around mid-2009, President Obama again eliminated wasteful spending (CUT SPENDING) by simply canceling the Cheney-ordered fleet of very costly F-22 planes that even the Air Force did not want, sending more than $65 BILLION ($365 MILLION PER PLANE) back to Treasury.

If you go back and review Associated Press and Bloomberg News articles from early 2010, you would discover that President Obama's first-ever budget (October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010 Fiscal Year) following the final Bush/Cheney FY (Oct. 1, 2008 through Sept. 30, 2009) $1.09 TRILLION budget knocked off that $.09 TRILLION through disciplined and targeted CUTS IN SPENDING (programs eliminated or consolidated, for example), making his first budget for $1.0 trillion ($90,000,000,000 or $90 BILLION LESS than his predecessors').

This coming Wednesday, President Obama is scheduled to deliver a speech to the American people about which programs he is proposing to cut that will not slow the recovery he has been able to achieve after the devastation of the Republicans' economic policies from 2001 through 2008. C-SPAN will be the best place to watch this speech or you can go to whitehouse.gov and see a live broadcast as well, unedited and uninterrupted.|||After two years of spending like a drunken sailor, do you really think Obama has suddenly become a deficit hawk.

This is the guy who has lead the biggest increase in government in history.

What has Obama been suggesting we cut for the last two years? Nothing|||Tax and spend democrats usually don't. If they did they will not be reelected. If Obama has a choice he will not until after the 2012 election. If he and the Dems are reelected, they will tax, tax and more tax.|||Obama has already cut spending..He cut federal workers pay, but freezing salaries...and he froze cost of living adjustments for people living on Social Security...never saw Bush do that|||Likely in order to avoid limiting the possibilities. He is a compromiser. (Better get part of what you want than nothing at all --- right?)|||(D) = iron-clad guarantee he will do his best to dramatically increase spending.|||Because unlike the Republicans he is really willing to negotiate in good faith.|||He dos not know himself what the senate and congress will let him cut|||He didn't say because he is a liar. All politicians are!|||Obama is just small piece of the pie! He can't FART without Congress approval!

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