Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why is Obama opening the door for possible prosecution of Bush officials relating to torture?

The question of whether to bring charges against those who devised justification for the methods of torture "is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don't want to prejudge that," Obama said.|||He's right. The president isn't the Attorney General of the United States. While he may be inclined to let sleeping fidos stay asleep, and we certainly know that a lot of folks agree with that, we do have a new A/G and this guy not only wants to make his bones, he has both the right and obligation to enforce the law. Politically it's more in Obama's favor to let this thing alone, at least in the short term while some of our other problems take up his attention, but he's not the last word on the subject. My personal opinion is that some people need to go to jail. First, because it 'is the law', and second, if the rest of world sees that we don't allow our government officials go off the reservation, that law and order applies to everyone, and that no, you don't get to abuse your power, our prestige in the world rises and so does our leadership. If we don't lead....who will? China comes to mind...hows that for a world future? I hate to think that Obama has said things he didn't really believe about being against prosecution of Bush administration personnel, but I suspect he did. I hope he doesn't make a habit of that. There are those who say the intel we got was worth shredding the Constitution, and maybe it was, and maybe that will lighten the sentences of those that broke the law...if they did break the law. Until there's a judge and jury we won't know..and we deserve to know. It's our country! My opinion! No kiddin'!|||It is the law.|||Why not?|||Because it's the right thing to do.|||Because he wants to uphold the Constitution.|||BO is quick to find fault with Bush's administration but he will not acknowledge the fact that is half brother raped a child last week.|||The Geneva Conventions were shaped around US laws and morals and Bush broke the law that the US and the Geneva convention established!! They committed war crimes!!|||It's about time.|||This has been his intention even before he was put in office. He likes Kass.|||This is nothing but political retribution. Probably some sore feelings dating back to the Clinton impeachment. Washington loves to play its games while there are serious problems to deal with in our country.

Probably just a side show to distract attention from Congress' lack of oversight which lead to the housing crisis.

Vote em all out in 2010!|||Personally, I think having to wait 3 more years to elect someone else is torture.|||the CIA officials did not even disclose their names. Most likely no one will be prosecuted or at the very least some entry level temp. I am willing to bet Obama will not prosecute the Bush regime since Obama and Bush work for the same oligarchs.|||Obama etc. want to divert the public's attention

from His out of control spending, taxing and implementation of his radical socialist policies.

He's not fooling anyone.

This doesn't help the U.S. but it does help our enemies.|||This is a good move .Remember that Joe Biden is probably not a far left as Obama so when he is sworn in as President America may return to the USA,and not the USSA.|||Because the far left in his party have pressured him into it. A few days ago he was against it, now after the far left started screaming for blood he relented and passed the problem on to the Attorney General. As President, Obama has to stand up for what he feels is right, not what is politically good for his party.|||Obama is a Muslim through and through and is probably pissed that we declared war on his friends so he's getting back for them by prosecuting anyone who assisted in torturing terrorists during the Bush administration.

If he could fry G.W Bush himself he would.|||He just wants to kiss up to his far left Bush hating friends. It is a witch hunt that will backfire and become the downfall to the liberal agenda. They are so giddy with their new power that they are over reaching and the Republicans are waiting to pick up the pieces.|||Because we are a nation governed by the rule of law.|||obama and company want to TOTALLY re-design this country..total government control..and..allow nothing to stand in his way..

to obama?..bush is a threat cuz his practices kept us safe for 8 years.

yeah..all the obaamas are spouting off now..until we get attacked..and i feel it will be soon..and way more devasting than the 9/11.

when it happens the obaamas will have to deal with the fact...they voted for him..despite his un-vetted background!!|||because they tortured people it's not something to trivialize|||Because it was a campaign promise to his biggest donor, George Sorros. And because all of the left wingers won't be satisfied until they get their pound of flesh from George Bush even if they have to fabricate a broken law to do it. If this happens though, I can guarantee you that the march on the doors of Washington will make the Million Man March look like a neighborhood pick up basketball game. This one thing above all else will bite Obama dead in his azz.

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