Friday, September 23, 2011

When is Obama going to apologize to the Supreme Court for both his smear job and his factual errors?

Obama pulled a two-fer last Wednesday, an unprecedented smear job and a clear factual error. When will he apologize?|||0bama is supposed to be a Constitutional law professor and he makes a 1st year law student mistake on international campaign funding? Even I knew that was illegal, and I am certainly no lawyer, or professor, or the president. The guy is way over his head in all aspects of the job.|||He did, and just what was it, or what were they?|||Now that you bring it up, has Obama ever apologized for anything?|||Obama will never apologize... its like the special Olympics or something|||When has a politician ever apologized?|||Obama never apologizes unless it's to another country for something that happened before he was president.|||He won't. He'll just repeat his lies often enough and the sheep will believe it. You know, just like usual.|||He was not wrong and the only ones who should be offering an apology is the conservatives on the Supreme Court who put a for sale sign on every political seat in the US.

On a side note the man in your picture Actor Rip Torn was arrested last night for trying to rob a bank while he was drunk.|||Obama needs to hope those judges don't allow us to view his past. Like he was such a great student but we Americans can not handle seeing his college records? What is he hiding? could it be his thesis that suddenly disapeared. Can you say CARL MARX|||Never. He will bumble his way through if he is questioned about it saying "Some things I said may have been off base...but my point was..."

Typical Marxist, ignore facts and push ahead.

The only thing Obama has apologized for is how great this country is.|||Allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts on campaigns is a travesty. It is turning the election process over to corporate interests.

No apology needed.|||Neocon, right after all 5 Conservative and corrupt judges of Supreme Court will be impeached and removed from the bench for selling America to foreign corporations.|||For him to apologize wold be for him to abmit wrong.... tell me have you always been such a racist? *wink* from one racist to another|||He won't as his ego is forbidding him to do so|||Their decision sucked...that's a fact.

No apology necessary.

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