Friday, September 16, 2011

How many Supreme Court justices will President Obama have the opportunity to appoint?

A. Obama will have the chance to appoint two in his first term and two more in his second term if he is reelected.

B. Supreme Court justices serve lifetime appointments, so it is impossible to know in advance how many vacancies any one president will get to fill.

C. Obama will be able to appoint a new justice for every member of the Court over the age of 65.

D. Obama will be able to replace as many justices as he chooses.|||"B" is the correct answer (do your homework, this stuff is actually kind of important).

However Justice John Paul Stevens is like 90 years old and supposedly retiring, so it's safe to say Obama is on deck for at least one Supreme Court nomination in his first term.

There were rumors that Bill Clinton was going to get picked but he personally denied them and recommended a younger person be nominated.|||B.|||5 more after this one if we are lucky|||B.

You're not serious with this, are you?|||Three total.|||this is retarded

whats with the multiple choices on Y!A lately?|||B.|||B|||Hopefully just one. or if a liberal justice retires he can replace with another liberal|||He should add two justices like FDR tried to do. And then appoint Hillary and Michael Moore.|||somewhere between 1 and 9|||The correct answer is "B."

That being said, there is nothing unconstitutional YET about whether a President can "pack" the Supreme Court i.e. appoint additional justice of his political affiliation.

I hope he only gets to pick one.|||B is the correct answer Sonia Soto mayor / Justice David Sauter

Appointed by Obama Justice John Paul Stevens will be replaced by Obama Justices will be appointed by Obama as President|||At least one.

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