Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How is Obama gonna react to the rapidly progressing Chinese Military?

Carrier Killer, Improved missile guidance systems, and not to mention their amazing numbers. What can we expect to see Obama do to react?|||Obama will call for a town hall meeting, a stern one. Forget the UN, our no so last best hope for peace, go to the top - Jay Leno at 11:30 pm. Turn this over to the tough guy Rahm Emanuel, he thinks he can handle Republicans, Chinese should be no problem. A parachute rescue mission using ACORN commandos, fresh from stunning victories over AIG execs and their wives and children, might be considered. And don鈥檛 forget David Axelrod, a guy who knows how to follow the path the media has laid down for him. Above all Mr Obama, has the ultimate weapon, his teleprompter, show no mercy ! And remember to keep turning your head from side to side, that physical punctuation mark that suggests gravity. Oh, and Mr. Obama, don鈥檛 poo your pants, because it isn鈥檛 all taking about the economy.

Liberals in control. The store is open - take what you want and nothing will happen. Kinda like the Community Reinvestment Act. This time it is the鈥╓RA - World Reinvestment Act. And you thought Barry O was going to redistribute the wealth to only Americans. o_O|||He won't need to react to their military because it is still some years away from being equal to the USA's in terms of technology

So, he'll pass the buck to future President's because he won't really have to worry about it.

Besides the Chinese are becoming Americanized by the influx of wealth and they won't want to lose that cash flow so in essence by dumping the millions and millions of dollars we are effectively neutralizing them as an all out enemy.|||With China holding out regarding sanctions to North Korea, I think we are looking at those two joining up. They could easily take over the entire region. Another world war probably. And just think, we are funding it. All the millions we send to North Korea to feed the starving (which they never benefit from) and all the Americans buying all that crap from China. And it is crap. We will soon learn I think.|||Oh, we will be their friend. There's no way they will fight us, since they're invested so heavily in our economy. They will not want us to seize their wealth. China has far too many people to fight hand to hand. They will have to be nuked if they challenge our existence. That's Obama's only option.|||Obama will say he's there to listen, not to dictate.|||Bow and surrender.|||Give them an IPOD, or a nice Wok.|||BOW DOWN TO THEM

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