Friday, September 23, 2011

How exactly is President Obama suppose to turn a deficit into a surplus during a recession?

All countries around the world are posting deficits during this world wide recession and somehow Republicans expect Obama to run a surplus???

Why is it you guys hold Obama to a higher standard during a bad economy than you did Bush who was running consecutive deficits during a good economy?|||You can't turn a deficit into a surplus when the spending is greater than whats coming in. Obama has already spent 6 times more in his first 2 years than any other president in their 4 years. This is an astounding fact. We are talking trillions of dollars. If we couldn't gain a surplus in good times we sure aren't going to during these bad times when Obama is spending money like the White House has a secret money tree out back they aren't telling anyone about.|||I think it's not mainstream Republicans who are making the impossible demand.

Well, some are -- simply because it's an impossible demand.

If you want to discredit Obama and destroy his presidency, in order to get the GOP back in power in Washington, probably the best way is to demand that Obama perform miracles, then blame him and the Democrats fail to make the miracles happen.

Beyond that, though, groups on the Far Right of American politics -- groups like the old John Birch Society -- have been trying to destroy the "social safety net" in the United States since its creation during the New Deal in the 1930s.

Demanding that a Democratic president and Congress run a budget surplus in a time of high unemployment and slow economic growth is one way to wreck what's left of the American welfare state and the safety net it provides.

But I think it's the ideologues with the John Birch Society who are pushing for this. I think many mainstream Americans who vote Republican would oppose this demand if they really thought about what it means for their neighbors - and in some cases for themselves.|||because doubling down and increasing the deficit 10x on purely elective federal spending is a good strategy? that is the bet obama, pelosi, and reid are making. they are hearkening back to keynes and FDR and the theory that government spending of any kind "stimulates" the economy, a proven failure.

i doubt republicans were happy with bush for not vetoing budgets passed by democrat controlled house and senate (the legislative branch passes budgets, you know). bush had wars and stuff he wanted to do and, because he was willing to play with democrats and is basically a progressive at heart himself, many progressives in his own party were willing to toe the line so it wasn't hard for democrats to pass budgets way out of balance. republicans took a vicious beating and their own constituents, along with tea partiers, are throwing them out in primary races. the argument that republicans, or americans in general, are happy about this insane deficit spending policy, or they are unreasonably angry at obama, just shows that you are not in touch with what is going on in the country.

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