Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What makes Obama different than any other Democrat from the past 30 years?

Obama says he is different, a new type of politician. So, what's so new about him? Is his foreign policy views different than past democrats? Are his views on gay marriage, abortion, and school vouchers different than past democrats? Are his views on energy independence, taxes, and the economy different than past democrats? Is he more patriotic than past Democrats? Does he refuse to throw race into the election, unlike past Democrats? What makes him so unique and so different than a Jimmy Carter or a Walter Mondale? What makes him different from a John Kerry or a Michael Dukakis?|||He's different from Bush and McCain and that's good enough for me. I've had enough of their ineptitude and their total disregard for the Constitution and our freedom and integrity.|||The only thing that makes him different is the color of his skin and his religious background. And all the BS aside, that is the only thing that this election is about now. That is all we talk about, all we care about. But, he is no freaking different, he is snake, just like the rest of them.|||Because of his race in part - Obama has had a unique advantage while living in both cultural worlds of both the White and the African American cultural world . This is just one example of a great moral strength and ability. I believe that this strength - has enhanced his ability to work toward peace and acknowledge and listen to another point of view.|||Is he more patriotic than past democrats?! The man wouldn't say the pledge of allegiance or hold his hand over his heart during the national anthem. He was in Germany, but didn't visit a single military base - just europeans ... oh, and the gym, too. I'll tell you what's different. He is the first non-American to run for office. Sure, he was born here, but sometimes that's not enough. He even identifies himself as Kansas-Kenyan.... Well, atleast Kansas got in there.....|||Nothing is really different about him. His campaign has taken on this rock star its cool to like Obama theme and lacked any substance. He's young, black, different, some may consider him hip, and the media is backing him like they've never backed anyone else even at their most biased times so that's all that's different.|||New world order. One world government. He wants to be the one to usher it in. He promises a new peace and universalism. The times have led to this, a culmination of policys of the past. That is what is new. A new world. Oh, and party has nothing to do with it. Evil knows no party, only power. Oh, and his voice is creepy, hollow sounding. . .|||He is black but that is not the reason he shouldn't win. He thinks he is already president.He act's like it He has only been in the public eye for a couple of years.He has no good ideas nothing new.He don't have experience to run our great nation.We can't give on the job training. He is no different than any other democrat.|||He is different. He is a Socialist, not a Democrat. This should not be news to the Democratic party. Many politicians have catapulted themselves into office on the Democratic ticket and only shown their true colors after elected.

In that respect, Obama is NO different.|||The last candidate to run like Obama was JFK.

The similarities are very strong.

I suggest spending a few minutes looking JFK up.

Not the post 1963 stuff, but from before that.

Then look up Operation Northwood and G. H. Bush's involvement in it.|||His skin color and a little more elequent on his rhetoric of prepared speeches, but nothing else. His battle cry has been "Change", which can be good, but change without a decisive plan on how to implement it can be a disaster. As it now stands, if he is elected, that is how our country is headed.|||Umm.... Obama鈥檚 black. And if u don鈥檛 for him, you鈥檒l be accused by the NY Times and Ted Kennedy of being racist. Seriously, besides a big smile and elitist demeanor, he鈥檚 no different than any tax and spend liberal politician we鈥檙e used to seeing.|||One of the biggest differences is the fact that many,many republicans like this guy, and he works together with them.

Are you not tired of seeing good ideas getting flushed because of this problem.|||He's black and has a decent chance of winning the election. Democrats lose based on their personalities, not on their stance on the issues. Obama has a charismatic, winning personality.|||hes more arigant

he loves himself alot

he thinks he is president already

he loves himself alot

he thhinks that you can save as much oil that you can drill by filling up tires and getting tune ups

he loves himeself alot

he has a bigger ego

|||Sadly the only difference is his skin color, which in this MTV brainwashed age is cool I guess. If P-diddy tells you to vote for him you better or he will kill you.|||He is WORSE!|||Yes, he is brilliant person who understans new sets of time. |||What makes McCain different from Bush?|||He's black and sincere!!!

There's a difference.

OBAMA '08|||He has Soros handling his every move.|||He works with both republicans and democrats|||Ummm,he's got rhythm.|||He's for "hope and change".

He HOPES to take my money, make CHANGE of it and distribute it amongst those "less fortunate"[read 'LAZY'].|||cause obama is really good. and he is about a change

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