Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What can Obama do to reduce the overwhelming disparity in black vs. white incarceration rates?

Unfortunately, black men are incarcerated at a much higher rate than whites. What can Obama do to begin to get to the root of all the racism and inequality in the judicial system? How can he equalize the incarceration rates?|||WE SHOULD:






Dude all of the above, except reparations is given to you and you still cant keep outta jail. The white man gets none of this and is still doing better, WTF is wrong with you?

The fact is, if we took all of the above away, black ppl would work harder and stay out of jail. Give someone a crutch and they'll milk it as long as they can.

I was born and raised in a black community. Sad to say I was 1 of 2 white kids in my class, and I was the smartest and most motivated. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE!|||Start by improving the schools. Have black role models go to elementary school and give speeches to the students about how they can succeed without crime.

Create tax free enterprise zones in black areas. Have new business that are will to open in those areas not have to pay taxes for the next 10 years. This will give companies the incentive to move into areas where they previously would not.|||LOL..., Improve what blacks do with their lives.

Teach more blacks not to murder, steal, sell drugs, rape, fight, do drugs, get drunk, etc. If you don't break the law, you don't go to jail.

Blacks and whites who aren't doing those things aren't in jail.|||Unfortunately IMO racism has nothing to do with blacks being incarcerated in my area. Sorry to disappoint this board, but if you do the crime, you do the time. Obama can't do anything about it unless he changes our judicial system, just as the government changed our education system, so it was fair and balanced, |||For him to change something like that will take decades. You have to look back and the history of black people in this country. The Willie Lynch letter. Black familes were split up, this has been going on for generations. So the break down of the family is where alot of this stems from. This was the goal of slave owners and generations later this goal has succeeded.|||Maybe O.J.'s murder trial defense team could offer their services for free. They showed that they can get anyone off the hook, even if that person is 110% guilty.|||tell blacks to quit committing the crimes!|||revoke all criminal law|||Based on hiis track record of community involvement and public service as an elected - NOTHING.

He hasn't done anything in the past when he wasn't being distracted by the ambitions of high office, so why should be help the black community after he takes on national level big government big policy responsibilities? He most likely will not.

Imo, Barack Obama is the latest and greatest example of Uncle Tom who seems to think and act superior not only to the majority of black people, but also the majority of working class Americans.

Like J. Wright, he is taking his audience for a big ride in order to make a bundle of money at our expense.

|||This should not be high on Obama's agenda. This is a problem that starts in the home. It is time for people to stop blaming racism. Take responsibility for your actions. Have respect for yourself and the people around you--this is for anyone and maybe then the crime rate would decrease.

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