Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What has Obama done that is so radically different from George Bush?

If Obama is a radical leftist, what policies has he done that are so horribly different from Bush? Pretty sure he kept Bush's Sec of Defense and most of Bush's guys in the Treasury.|||He has had the gaul to actually try to help American Citizens.|||As George Bush left office he set in place the first TARP stimulus package but since then Obama has kicked the spending and entitlements into high gear as he has sky rocketed our debt to over $12 Trillion, ensuring that our current economic policy is unsustainable and will most surely result in economic collapse - IF allowed to continue unabated. But is this what Obama wants - only so he will be there as the “hero” to pick up the pieces?

Throughout the years truthfulness and honor have been a problem but with the Obama administration they have been kicked into high gear and now executed, blatantly in front of a shocked American taxpayer. Evidenced by Obama’s low level dig at the Supreme Court during his speech - real cheap politics - and I believe he will pay for this in the long run. Tape after tape can be shown of Obama lying and members of Congress lying - it is disgusting to watch and these traitors MUST be voted out of office at the first chance the taxpayers get.

Jobs - Obama’s idea of jobs is FDR’s idea - of having the new jobs be paid for by TAX DOLLARS, instead of creating an atmosphere where the private industry can create those jobs. Obama wants to create new GOVERNMENT jobs - this is insanity. He wants there to be MORE government workers than private industry workers - All that does is ensure his vote from all those government workers - a nifty plan indeed.

Private Industry - Obama is openly against private industry and the way the American economy operates. He believes that the government and only the government should replace many of these industries - as they feel they could do it “better” and “more efficient” - but we all know that is a joke. The government should just get out of private industry’s way, lower their taxes, offer employment incentives and private industry would boom once again. Obama is clueless.

The Economy - Since Obama took office, the confidence level in the American economy has plummeted. His economic policy of spend and tax is destroying the American economy, consumer confidence and small businesses across this great land. He is destroying the economy rather than helping it to rebound.

Global Warming - A complete fraud and scam. Even after the information comes out that the scientists were incredibly, withholding conflicting data - the politicians steam ahead. We even had many of our delusional politicians still spend millions of tax dollars just to go to Copenhagen as they tried to further the scam in the faces of a now “on to them” American public. It was and is a complete disgrace.

The Constitution - Obama is doing all he can to avoid the Constitution. Nothing he does goes by the Constitution - all shown by his blatant corruption, bribes, back room deals, appointing of controversial “czars” and hatred for Capitalism and the American way. He wants to grow the government into a monstrosity - that the Constitution would never recognize. For America to remain a free and independent Republic, the Constitution MUST be the focus of all the government does.

Capitalism - Oh, this is a dirty word for Obama . He hates capitalism. For him it is either Marxism, Communism or Socialism - actually he prefers a mixture of the three. Obama wants to control everything - with capitalism he would be out of control - the free markets would be in control - the survival of the fittest would be in control. With capitalism, EVERYONE would have a chance to better themselves - but under Obama’s rule and plan - all would be financially equal - none would be greater than the other, financially.

Do you feel that our elected officials in Washington are listening to the taxpayers of this country? Can they hear us about health care? Can they hear us about spending? Can they hear us about our borders and illegal immigrants? They can hear us, but they don’t care - this current administration has an agenda - and it is NOT in the taxpayer’s best interest. BUT, the people will prevail. Obama’s trash politics will NOT overcome the will of the American people - something Obama and his crew will soon learn. o_O|||Obama has raised the Deficit and the Unemployment rate to levels that Bush could never do!

You da man Obama!|||He repealed the Patriot Act, got us out of the wars, reduced the deficit, and...oh wait...

*gall|||Obama spent 3 trillion dollars, but you got the...|||Spent more money than Bush and the remainder of the previous Presidents combined in a year.|||Conservatives warned and nobody listened: BUSH III|||He was able to get the country(not just the opposition) to hate his party within a year.|||That my friend's is Hope and Change.

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