Friday, September 23, 2011

Why is Obama defending an illegal who raped and murdered a 16 year old girl?

The GREAT State of Texas is scheduled to execute Humberto Leal Garcia, an illegal from Mexico, on Thursday for the brutal rape and murder of a 16 in San Antonio in 1994 because it would "breach an international convention and do irreparable harm to US interests". Why would Obama want to defend a convicted rapist/murderer of a young girl?|||This peice of caca was in the U.S. since he was 2 years old and arrested for this crime while in his 20's. He had legal councel defending him, but this is the catch: NOW he claims to be an illegal immigrant and never had access to a Mexican attorney or was he in contact with the Mexican embassy. That's his song and dance now, and Obama and Holder jumped on it. Hell, that's another vote for Obama in 2012 if they can get him off!

A 16 year old American girl is dead, oh well!|||Okay Obama have it your way we will put him in a supermax prison and you and your rich liberal friends can support him. I as a taxpayer could care less about some international convention. Since when do we let other countries tell us how to run our country. George Bush is wrong on this one as well. Yeah put him in a supermax, life without the possibility of parole and make the libeals who are so worried about him pay for his keep everything including his guards, food, medical care, and when he finally departs this earth his funeral.|||A certain Texas Republican who was President appears to agree with Obama on this one.鈥?/a>

"The administration moved after the governor of Texas, Rick Perry, brushed aside appeals from diplomats, top judges, senior military officers, the United Nations and former president George W Bush to stay Leal's execution because it could jeopardise American citizens arrested abroad as well as US diplomatic interests."|||Because 0bama wants his vote and since career criminals vote democrat and so do their families he is just pandering for votes|||El voteo's for hombre local de bastie. Obama thinks whites are to blame aka his church aka his belief's aka his animosity towards America and America justice system.|||Barack Obama is an anti american marxist thug who wants to be the "man" that destroyed the Republic of America. My God his voter base are the low life dregs of America so it only stands to reason he would side with the criminal.|||Perhaps he views the rights of women to be secondary to the rights of illegal thugs.|||because he's the worst president since jimmy carter.|||VOTES!!

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