Friday, September 23, 2011

How can Obama support returning jobs and then call for open borders?

Are labor unions just dumb? How can they support a guy who wants to do nothing to secure the borders and yet turn around and tell UAW workers in Wisconsin that NAFTA was a mistake and he will get their jobs back.

Anything for a vote-Obama-strikes again?|||I wonder about the Teamsters...aren't they for the truckers? Didn't Obama side with illegal and drivers licenses? Don't you think companies would hire the illegals to pay them less?

I can understand the SEIU, considering Rezko is involved.

Personally, I don't think the union members are that gullible.

And yes, you are right..Obama will do anything to get elected..even use words that elected other politicians. Pitiful and dishonest in my opinion!|||No you must be dumb..thanks though fouch!

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|||Dr. Savage says that Liberalism is a mental disorder. Mr. O is the most Liberal Senator we have. Go figure...........|||He has never called for open borders. Try again!|||Obama has the right plans for the country. He will create over 7 million high paying green collar jobs.

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