Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How can Obama say that his health care plans wont add to the deficit when it is diverting money?

that could have been used to lower the deficit?

More Obama smoke and mirrors?|||Because he is by far the most disingenuous President that our nation has ever seen..

While the current system may consume a large portion of our GDP most of that money is coming from private sources not public ones. Why does anyone care what Joe Blow decides to spend on health-care?..|||I am not paying for your Iraq War Money Pit and your Bank Bailouts and your multitrillion dollar tax cuts for the rich.

When you have this all paid off, then come back and whine about government spending.|||Maybe because taxpayer money is already being used to pay for health care, and the proposal is about paying for it more efficiently.

Right now, we're subsidizing the health of every uninsured person who goes to the emergency room for everyday treatment. I would rather such people be seen in doctor's offices. It would be far, far cheaper for every taxpayer.|||Let's wait till he speaks tonight before putting words in his mouth.|||He does not know how to save money in order to spend it. He just spends and thats why his poll numbers are dropping daily.|||The current system consumes 1/6 of the US GDP. Most of this goes to replicate administrative units.

In all honesty, reforming the system, lowering costs would put more money into other areas of the economy, which in turn, increases revenue|||Yes it is. the whole concept of trying to be budget neutral during a time of soaring deficits is utterly ridiculous, only the gullible and misinformed believe it.|||Study some economics.

If you are not adding to the deficit you are not adding to the deficit.

Remember, Bush liked to put things like funding for the wars and stimulus packages off budget so they looked like they weren't adding to the deficit even though they were adding to the national debt.|||Congressional Budget Office says: Health Care Plan, that has been reveled will cost just under 300 billion over the next ten years.

You simply can't take money from a failing program (Medicare) and give it to a losing program! Is anyone listening to all this?|||He can candy coat it however he wants, it is going to cost an arm and a leg not to mention other body parts. You don't get something for nothing.|||http://americansagainstsocialism.webs.com/|||Absolutely.

Look at every single government plan:

Social Security / Medicare / Medicaid / Postal Sevice / Amtrak / Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae.

Every single one is either bankrupt, or will be bankrupt within 10 years.

Now all of a suddent, the Government is going to wring efficiencies out ofa 155 of our national GDP.

God save us from our "leaders".|||He can because no one in the press will fact check and call him on it, they are running scared and have no backbone. Others are called to answer and are put in jail for perjury.|||Many of those in favor of this plan are already receiving government benefits of some sort and merely want to keep the gravy train rolling. Those AGAINST this ridiculous plan KNOW that the government will use this to control EVERY aspect of our lives and then proceed to tax and tax and tax us until we are like Canada - with each person paying OVER 50% in taxes - is this what you want? Do you want to be over taxed just to pay for the health care of 200 million other people - people you do not know?

The Obama mob wants this plan in place because it will require another 1.5 MILLION bureaucrats to run the inefficient fiasco. Plus add in the 30 million new health care recipients and BINGO! - You have a situation where Barack is GUARANTEED another term - also guaranteeing that America will fundamentally change forever and capitalism will be all but dead in America. Where will the innovation come from? Who will be doing R%26amp;D to discover new drugs and remedies? America will no longer be the leader in these areas - Obama wants to wipe out ambition, entrepreneurism and innovation - he wants a grey, dull America - run by the government. o_O|||Because the Republicans have given him enough crap already for the the 700billion dollar stimulus check he put in place. The money will most likely slowly be paid off through taxes in the net 100years or so.


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