Friday, September 16, 2011

Why do you feel Obama is starting to attract more evangelicals and people of faith?

... more and more christian leaders are starting to back Obama. Even republican evanglic leaders. Could this be because Obama's faith seems real and ginuwine and not something that was done just to look good?|||In direct response to your question, shortcomings by John McCain's campaign in the art of politics are alienating two organizations of Christian conservatives. James Dobson's Focus on the Family is estranged following the failure of Dobson and McCain to talk out their differences. Evangelicals who follow the Rev. John Hagee resent McCain's disavowal of him.

The evangelicals are not an isolated problem for the Arizona senator. Enthusiasm for McCain inside the Republican coalition is in short supply. During the four months since McCain clinched the nomination, he has not satisfied conservatives opposed to his positions on global warming, campaign finance reform, immigration, domestic oil drilling and how to ban same-sex marriages.…

Late last week, Mark DeMoss, arguably “the most prominent public relations executive in the evangelical world,” raised a few eyebrows when he told BeliefNet that many evangelicals have a “fascination with Barack Obama.” DeMoss concluded, “…I will not be surprised if he gets one third of the evangelical vote. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 40 percent.”

And what about the Republican nominee? BeliefNet asked, “How is John McCain doing among evangelicals, a crucial Republican constituency?” DeMoss said from his perspective, no one in the evangelical community is really talking about McCain at all.…|||Golly gee,

I keep hearing this, BUT where are those links to support it???????|||The media is making it look that way. A handful maybe. The media always,always blows things out of proportion.|||They are easily-manipulated. Obama does not represent Christian values.

He also criticized the Bible (Youtube isn't working for me right now so I can't link it yet) and referred to those mountain folk as "clinging to their guns and religion".|||I don't think he is, except for the ones that hate white people of course.|||Cuz the pope condemned racism during WW2 and they figure if they vote for him that makes them non-racist, btw I have no affiliation.|||I don't "feel" that at all. And I don't care what people support him, I will not vote for him.|||because they want Pfleger and Wrights 5 minutes of fame LOL|||lol. I want what you are smoking.|||You know, normally I would not judge one's faith; as it is not my place to. But in my heart I cannot see how any Christian could attend that church for 25 years and not object to it's philosophy. With that said, there is no religious test to be the President of the United States of America, so I guess it is all a mute point. I think we should concentrate on governing and how he will protect us from terrorists, how he will bring peace to the world and the Middle East, and how he will handle the economics of this nation.|||Oh, that's funny! I can't imagine where you got that information! Obama isn't "ginuwne" (genuine) about anything....except lies and deceit.|||They are probably going to try and save him from hell.|||No. He will be giving them money for votes. He's going to do the faith based thing that bush did for votes. This is green power! lol. And you may have observed, Trinity has very little to do with religion and a lot to do with politics.|||He is such a phoney! That's a big card for him to play cuz he doesn't know what else to do. It is actually a very wise move on his part. He stands for nothing and has nosubstance so he has taken it to the church to get followers to vote for him.|||because he wants votes and he'll do anything to get them. you can tell he is more interested in his own position than the position of the USA. the same was true with hillary. that's why they would never get my vote. you can tell that mccain really wants to serve and to help america. that's why he gets my vote.|||Sorry, but where are you getting this information about evangelicals backing Obama?

Considering that the most basic belief of ALL Christianity is that the ONLY path to heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and confess that with your mouth.

Obama has stated that he believes that there is more than one way to get to heaven, that he does not believe that his God would reject those who do not accept Christ, that he thinks that religion at its best comes with a big dose of doubt, and that he does not presume to know what happens after he dies.

Based on Obama's statements, he has openly stated that he does not believe in the very basic points of Christianity, therefore he has also stated that he is not a Christian.

Therefore, and Christian minister who is buying his BS is either not listening, or is also guilty of not even knowing their own faith.

uhuru...that is funny...Mark DeMoss is a nobody.|||And did you read this in the National Inquirer? That is about how true that is. Get your facts straight and quit trying to run some kind of spin on that lie.|||What the hell is ginuwine? Learn to spell! I haven't heard many evangelicals backing Obama.|||Obama is a religious man and all of these rumors and smears about him are just lies. I researched his church myself. It isnt a cult as some people have said. I don't know how many churches support him but I do know he has the Catholic vote. People know that everything he is trying to do is good for the common, working person. He is a good family man with family values. In addition, he is looking for an alternative to war. It is all good, intelligent policies. He is lowering taxes for 95%.

Vote Obama 2008|||The same reason that makes people make stupid decisions every day of their lives. It's because, most people do not have enough common sense to make intelligent decisions.|||I think it's true that more Evangelicals are looking to Obama. Pat Robertson (of the 700 Club) was just saying both Obama and Clinton came on his show, but not McCain. McCain did not go to the "Faith Forum" aired on CNN a few months ago, but Clinton and Obama came to discuss their faith. I think Evangelicals are not getting any thing from McCain - he doesn't really speak freeling about his faith. Meanwhile, Obama has openly said Jesus saved his soul, that he prays, etc. He's not afraid to talk about it and I think people are starting to listen.|||It's because religious conservatives aren't excited about McCain and Obama is just the radical left's version of George W. Bush. They like extremism. They like bible-thumping.|||coz light guide them home|||Because McCain ONLY promotes war and death.|||I think you are partly right. Obama has had the same religion for years, while McCain switched to the more popular in his party.

I think a large part of it though is that the people you speak of have a new generation voicing their opinions and their priorities are changing. They are less focused on abortion and gay marriage as they are on the treatment of their fellow man.

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