Friday, September 16, 2011

How is Obama supposed to save this already doomed country?

This country is going to go any year now, and people should stop trying to resurrect the dead horse of America. What can Obama do to stop it?|||We should just pray for him and his family.

People will ctitcize him no matter who he supports or what he does.|||No one person can resurrect the country by himself. It takes unity, compromise, and teamwork. President Obama is up for the challenge of getting the United States back on track. Unfortunately, Republicans/Tea Party/Conservatives, what ever you want to call them now, are determined to undermine progress. It is curious that memories have faded regarding the dire economic conditions we were left with from the Bush/Cheney administration. There is a misconception that the top 3% of Americans who are wealthy have somehow created jobs for middle class Americans. This country will be doomed as long as the wealthy do not pay their fair share of income taxes. We all pay income tax based upon how much we earn. The tax cuts for the wealthy were never intended to be a permanent entitlement. President Obama must allow the tax cuts for the wealthiest 3% to expire as President Bush had intended.|||It's easy. Balance the debt, raise taxes on the rich (but not in excess) after the recession and unemployment goes down., and deal with the ballooning social security and medicare. Focus on getting jobs back in the country, and away form China and Mexico. I believe in drilling our own oil, and using nuclear power. On top of that I also strongly believe in school choice.

There are solutions, and that is to remake the success we have already had. but our politicians suck, on both sides, and the people of this country care more about celebrities and sports.|||The Republicans want the Democrats to perform a miracle with what they left.

Republicans: Ok, so Democrats, we left you a stick and a leaf. Now create a rocket with it.

Democrats: But...we don't even know where you begin with this-


Bad analogy, works.|||Obama should increase taxes on everybody. No class should be treated special. End the tax cut.|||By resigning.|||BY TURNING IN HIS RESIGNATION !|||Cut taxes for small buisnesses

Secure the border

Support and respect the Arizona Immigration Law|||"I find your lack of faith disturbing" {Darth Vader}.

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