Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why do Obama supporters always tend to blame the inaction and grave blunders of their hero on conservatives?

When will they every require their Obama to take any semblance of responsibility for his actions or the lack there of?|||Liberals cannot blame 0bama for his failures because to do so, would be blaming their core belief in moral relativism. They would have to admit things like:

The Government cannot create jobs.

Terrorists are evil with an evil agenda

Corporations are wonderful and provide most of American wealth and prosperity

capitalism is a powerful force for prosperity and good

Government intervention harms the economy

Regulations caused the mortgage disaster. not deregulation.

All liberal thought, policy, values and beliefs are rooted in specific, fundamental lies. All liberal rhetoric is simply justification of those lies. In virtually all cases, liberals side with immorality and wrongness. It's because they have no moral base. They continually will side with evil over good. Moral relativism is their religion. This means Republicans who value freedom are wrong because republicans have that moral value. Republicans who value free markets are wrong because liberals believe government is better than freedom. Government, in their opinion must always help evil and oppose good moral values. This is why they side with terrorists instead of the American troops fighting terrorists. Liberals are fond of saying one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Liberals are oblivious to the definitions of words for example, freedom fighter would mean fighting for freedom, wouldn't it and clearly Sharia law forced on those who don't want to practice radical Muslim slavery, is not fighting for freedom. The examples are endless but always liberals will side with evil because they cannot commit to traditional moral values.|||Who do conservatives insist on blaming Obama for events he has no control over?|||The Obama supporters are becoming fewer and fewer...the people that really matter know Obama is a failure and they will prove it come 2012.|||It's on page six of the Liberal handbook. Blame anybody but yourself. Better if you blame a conservative.|||Because Conservatives are stupid enough to believe it when they're told that every breath Obama takes is a grave blunder that's going to doom America.

But if you'd like to be more specific, I could probably give you a more satisfactory answer.

Huevos Rancheros- that goes both ways.|||maybe they are right.

You sound fearful.

'smatter? don't like the idea of a half white man as president.too bad

The end.|||Liberals tend to be less than intelligent. However, even they know they were duped by this fool Obama. They are too embarrassed to admit to their own failures so they have to blame others.|||They don't. Why do you bush apologists blame obama for all the messes george left in his wake?

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