Friday, September 16, 2011

How can Obama ever get bipartisanship when he is constantly criticizing Republicans?

He promised bipartisanship in his campaign, but the bills he favors are so far left that no Republican or moderate Democrat can support them. All he does is criticize Republicans. I don't see how he expects them to support him when all he does is bash them. The Republicans do have good ideas but no one hears about them because the Democrats in Congress shoot every one of them down so no one ever hears about them and the press calls the Republicans the party of no when it is only the party of no on Obama's far left agenda.|||Regulation the banks and wall street is far left now.

Stimulus bills that provide tax breaks to 95% of Americans is far left.

You have lost it sir.|||he is all talk, he is a die hard liberal and in his mind only his views count|||He has been bi-partisan

You havent noticed

He incorporated alot of amendments to the healthcare bill proposed by the GOP, then they dont vote for the bill anyway

He's trying, they are still the party of NO|||That guy is so full of bologna his parents should have named him Oscar Mayer.|||He is justly doing so, repubithugs have tarnished this country's democracy.|||Over reaching is what the Dems do every time they are in power. Republicans are doing the right thing by steering clear of Obama's far left agenda, because it is not what middle america wants.|||He thought bipartisan meant two-faced and he's doing pretty well at that.|||It kind of gives you the idea that he doesn't REALLY want bipartisanship, he just says so.

But actions speak louder than words.

More lies from Obama.

I don't even listen to him anymore, every single word is a lie.|||Bipartisanship isn't what he's after. Making Republicans look bad is his goal.

"I want a bipartisan bill. Republicans are blocking my completely Democratic bill! They are horrible and hate America!" %26lt;---Obama in a nutshell.|||Yeah the Republicans have done nothing to create this partisan atmosphere in Washington.|||There are Republican ideas in the health care bill and in the new wall street bill there are Ideas taken from the Rep. party. The real problem is they don't want the Democrats to succeed at anything. They want to stop all efforts to redo this economy and to stop new rules and regulations from becoming law. It is a law that will keep the taxpayers from bailing out banks and wall street and make the banks pay for their own bailout by making them pay into a fund. We must stop the corruption in this country and it takes laws to do this and the Republicans are resisting. Most of the republican reelection funds come from corporations, banks wall street and big business. Banks to big to fail that is why we had to bail them out. Stop them from getting that big.|||Wow, talk about the pot calling the kettle black! It was clear from the get go that Republicans strategy was to reject anything and everything Obama said. Remember the congressman that said that Health Care Reform will be Obama's "Waterloo"? Why would he say that, even before any debate was introduced?

Remember the Health Care Reform summits. Obama gave Republicans the opportunity on national TV to express their ideas and viewpoints on how to reform Health Care and all Republicans did was use that forum to grandstand and say the same ridiculous talking points handed down to them by insurance companies. And for them to say that we had the best HC system in the world is unconscionable.

BTW, what exactly is Obama's far left agenda? explain that one to me.

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