Friday, September 16, 2011

Should Obama challenge Palin to visit the south side of Chicago to see what a community organizer does?

Remember when McCain challenged Obama to visit Iraq? Maybe Obama should challenge Palin to visit the south side of Chicago. Then she can visit and maybe think twice about her effort to belittle his time spent as a community organizer. That is, if she's not afraid of black people.|||No because Palin is not worth bothering about. She's been a failure at everything she's ever done and is not worth his time.|||Definitely! But she couldn't teabag any conservative right-wing Republican't nut-jobs there because there probably aren't any there, at least none that would pay her ridiculous "public appearance fee!" Maybe we would finally get some poetic justice and $arah anything-for-a-buck "The Punditz" Palin would get shot from a helicopter there and finally put out of our misery once and for all!!! Please, oh please, remove this obstruction from progress, before she infects anyone else unnecessarily!!|||Sure, why not? Maybe Palin should challenge Obama to sit in the Governor's seat to see what a Governor does.|||of course, seh would get her a$s handed to her. she has no idea what the south side is like

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