Saturday, September 10, 2011

How are Obama's policy proposals different from Jimmy Carter's failed stagflation proposals?

Both Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama favor central planning. For Carter, this resulted in stagflation, high interest rates and zero growth.

If Obama does the same, why will he get different results?|||I think Obama is going to have even worse results since he will be beholden to all sorts of people (and will have to pay them all back). Whereas Carter did whatever he felt like and didn't owe anything to anyone - the only good thing I can say about Mr. Nuk-You-Lar* Peanut.

* Pretty funny that Carter pronounce it this way, specially given his Masters in Nuclear Engineering.|||I agree..Obama is proposing a Windfall Profit tax on the oil industry...just like Carter. And what did that get us? They passed the tax charge on to the was a monumental failure!

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|||crazy republicans

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|||They would not, they're both stupid Liberals who are going to ruin this country.

Vote McCain Nov. 4. 08.

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