Saturday, September 10, 2011

What is the biggest sacrifice Obama has made on behalf of his coutry?

From what I can determine, Obama is a man of his generation, where, self gratification and moving ahead is the directive.

I know what McCain has done, five years of torture, and, as a Senator, deriding his own party, to his demise in 2000.

What has Obama accomplished? Lying about campaign finance reform? Going to the center after embracing those that would do anything but?

Please, tell me, how has Obama sacrifieced himself on behalf of his nation, and, not his ambition?|||He sacrificed his school lunch money twice in the fourth grade|||None that I'm aware of. In fact, this is the first true race that he's actually had to work for, if some consider that as being a "sacrifice".

# Obama is a product of the Chicago political machine. Several times during his political career Obama had a chance to either cast a vote or make a statement against the corruption that permeates Chicago's machine. Never 鈥?not on one occasion 鈥?did he do so.

# The fact is, Obama has benefited from corruption (Tony Rezko?) but has never fought it.

# Do you know how Obama won his first election in Illinois? He had campaign operatives go to the voting office and work hundreds of hours pouring over petitions to have his opponents thrown off the ballot. I guess that means that this is the first real election battle he's ever been in!|||Sacrifice is not a prerequisite for the office, I think George Bush the draft-dodger proved that.

Obama's trump card is his unflappable temperment that will serve him well throught his presidency. McCain is a hot-head and will make rash decisions that will put our entire nation at risk.

Obama is the calm presence that I want at the helm of our ship. Obama is a man of character and McCain is a character. Just ask his first wife or look at the last two months of the campaign if you need evidence.

Hope you enjoyed your Baracktober!|||O has helped ACORN register dead and illegal immigrants.

O has created a system of large scale unreported and illegal foreign campaign contributions.

AND, he took 2 days off for gravely ill grandma in HI. BUT it took him three days to get there in his private jet.

He has NOT given any money or help to any of his relatives (black ) aunt in Boston, brother in Kenya who lives on 12 dollars a year. BOY , O is for helping the weak and poor alright. He has a sterling record (of non compliance).|||Just by running for president he is making a sacrafice for the country. Do you realize how many people view him as African American even though he is biracial. I have already heard news reports of three young white males trying to kill him. Racism is still exist those who dont want him in office because of the color of his skin will do a lot to keep him out of office,like try and kill him. If he wins I fear for his life.|||Went to church for 20 years and didn`t listen.

Endorsed a book by Ayers as reported|||Quite simply ?? None. In three years as a Senator, he has more pork barrel than Hormel and Armours combines. He has been away from representing his constituents since he was elected and has been running for the presidency ever since. So what sacrifice has he made ?|||Obama has not sacrificed a thing for this country|||Every time he buys a pack of Marlboro red box he contributes to the economy.|||Easy, nothing at all, NOTHING|||He sacrificed his other middle name Muhammad. And that's it.|||He sacrificed his family-as far as he's concerned they don't exist and they're on their own.

you'd think he'd share HIS wealth and help them out|||Once while campaigning he had to stay in a 4 Star hotel because there was no 5 Star accommodations|||Lol why would he when he doesn't even do the pledge of alligence right.. |||great question, obama zombies will make something up though, watch and then they will give me thumbs down lol|||I heard he cut back on double mocca lattes|||McCain has given more to his country. He is a hero. But that doesn't necessarily mean he will be a better president. |||Changing his name from Barry to Barack?

Oh wait, was that a sacrifice?|||He quit smoking, I think. That's really hard to do.|||None. He;s a liar.|||The answer to your question is a BIG FAT ZERO!!!! There's so many questions left unanswered him I can't understand how ANY ONE can vote for him if they love America.

The mainstream media, who forgot Felix Frankfurter's admonition that "freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of a free society," long ago abdicated their role as government watchdog and now require a watchdog themselves. Never has that been clearer than in the 2008 presidential election, during which they are covering up rather than covering Barack Obama's shady past and alliances, his knee-deep involvement in corrupt practices threatening the very core of our democratic system, and his many policy misrepresentations.

Consider some items the MSM would have explored if they were guardians of liberty instead of the Obama campaign.

-- When Democrats insist every vote must count, do they also mean multiple votes from individuals and votes from dead and nonexistent people? If not, why aren't the MSM demanding answers about Obama's incestuous relationship with the criminal enterprise ACORN, whose serial crimes could alter the outcome of this election?

-- How can the MSM allow ACORN's dissemblers to deflect the charge that they are seeking illegal votes with "these are registrations, not ballots," as if there is any purpose in procuring illegal registrations apart from maximizing illegal votes?

-- The MSM preach that money in politics necessarily corrupts, so why do they ignore Obama's broken promise to accept public financing, his record-breaking campaign receipts, and the large number of untraceable contributions?

-- Why do they dwell on VP candidate Sarah Palin's lack of foreign policy experience but ignore presidential candidate Obama's thinner experience?

-- As champions of the "little guy" and privacy rights, why are they not outraged that the Obama campaign targeted, slandered and investigated Joe the Plumber by illegally using government computers merely for asking Obama one of the many questions they should have asked him?

-- Why did they let Obama get away with falsely denying his culpability in opposing an Illinois bill that would have provided medical care to infants born despite failed abortion attempts?

-- Why do they ignore what have now become real questions about Obama's birth certificate, when he could summarily end the speculation and win the lawsuit challenges on the merits rather than on technicalities simply by producing the document?

-- Why are they completely incurious about the many gaps in Obama's past, including his years at Columbia and Harvard?

-- How dare they accept Obama's insulting claim that he was unaware of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's anti-American, racist and blasphemous diatribes after attending his church for two decades and calling him his spiritual mentor?

-- Other than being sympathetic to Marxism themselves, why don't they ask Obama about his mentor Frank Marshall Davis and his admitted Marxist influence on him or that of his "openly Marxist" mother? Why was he "drawn to" Marxists? Why did he seek them out? Why don't the MSM explore the logical connection between that background, his alliances with Marxist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, and his advocacy of "spreading the wealth" today?

-- Why don't they examine his self-description as a post-racial unifier against his autobiographical accounts of personal racial bitterness and his alliances with the Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan?

-- Why do they conceal his complicity in Fannie and Freddie and his alliance with disgraced Fannie exec Franklin Raines?

-- Why don't they demand the release of the videotape of his appearance at a 2003 dinner with Palestinian supporter Rashid Khalidi?

-- Why don't they challenge his denial that he made a gross mistake in judgment in opposing the Iraq surge? It sure bothered them that George Bush couldn't admit a mistake.

-- Why don't they ask him how he would immediately withdraw from Iraq regardless of the advice of commanders on the ground and the inevitable consequences, including forfeiture of our victory and our precious lives lost in combat?

-- Why don't they ask him how he could possibly consider al-Qaida a threat if he thinks Iran is just a tiny country and not a threat?

-- Why don't they wonder how he dares to mock the Holy Bible while he claims to be a devout Christian?

-- Why do they give him a pass on his many duplicitous shifts of positions on the threshold income level for tax cuts from $300,000 to $250,000 to $200,000 to $150,000? How can they let him masquerade as a tax cutter and fiscal conservative when he has been the most liberal and tax-raising senator and his new spending easily would exceed $1 trillion? Does he support government control of our 401(k)s?

-- Why did they affect hyperventilation over Sarah Palin's supposed wardrobe extravagance, which was merely a matter of projecting her best image, yet wholly ignore Obama's obscenely idolatrous million-dollar Greek coliseum mirage?

-- And if he is really his brother's keeper, as Rush has noted, why can't he take care of his poverty-ridden brother and aunt, and why don't he and Joe Biden contribute more to charity?|||As a member of Generation X I really wish we could move past Vietnam and how much it falsely polarized politics.

Basically I can never 'sacrifice' in the same way my father a vet did because there is no draft. In the same way Obama is the first post-Vietnam candidate who had no similiar wars to come of age from.

|||I'll admit McCain has sacrificed as a soldier.

Having said that, Bush sacrificed nothing, nor did Clinton. It's not really a prerequisite for the job.

The question is, who can better lead this country in the future? I have my choice, you have yours. Sacrifice doesn't really have anything to do with anything.|||McCain sold out troops, crashed five planes and gave military secrets to the enemy. He's more than proven his incompetence. America needs a real change not more sellouts like McCain.|||Sounds like jealousy and envy to me. Probably the same one I've made. Living the past eight years under the Bush administration.|||Well, for one thing, Obama puts up with idiots like you ...

|||Putting up with McCain's smears.

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